Define hedonic. hedonic synonyms, hedonic pronunciation, hedonic translation, English dictionary definition of hedonic. adj. 1. Of, relating to, or marked by pleasure. 2. Of or relating to hedonism or hedonists. he·don′i·cal·ly adv. American Heritage
Neuropeptide Y is associated with “hedonic eating”—consuming food strictly to experience pleasure rather than to satisfy hunger. FromScientific American Ahrens said that what I had described was hedonic happiness: happiness from pleasure. FromWashington Post ...
Findings are synthesized to generate a more accurate understanding of what the PFS measures and how it may relate to the broader definition of hedonic hunger. Results Results suggest that the PFS is closely related to motivation to consume palatable foods and, in extreme cases, occurrence of loss...
However, research also suggests that “hunger” can be intensely experienced even in the absence of physiological need (e.g., hedonic hunger that is the result of environmental cues or craving that is the consequence of palatable food intake) (Lowe & Butryn, 2007). As such, it is possible...
The hedonic treadmill suggests that we are relatively stable creatures and that our happiness levels don’t fluctuate over the long term.
Overeating is driven by both the hedonic component (‘liking’) of food, and the motivation (‘wanting’) to eat it. The nucleus accumbens (NAc) is a key brain center implicated in these processes, but how distinct NAc cell populations encode ‘liking’