Consistent with hedging lowering costs associated with exchange rate volatility, I find that U.S. firms that use more currency derivatives tend to shift more income to low‐tax foreign jurisdictions. Overall, these findings suggest that FX risk is an important cost of outbound income shifting....
Foreign exchange risk arises when a company engages in financial transactions denominated in a currency other than that of the company's home country. Any appreciation or depreciation of the base currency or the depreciation or appreciation of the denominated currency will alter the cash flows emanati...
riskarisingfromtransactionexposure.TypesofHedging 1.ForwardMarketHedges:useforward contractstooffsetexchangerateexposure 2.MoneyMarketHedges:useborrowingand lendinginthemoneymarkets 3.HedgingwithSwaps:usecombinationof forwardandmoneymarketinstruments4.HedgingwithForeignCurrencyFutures:use futurescontractstooffsetexchange...
The adoption of floating foreign exchange rate regime in the 1990s and international trade have led to increased exposure of Kenyan firms to foreign exchange risk. Foreign exchange risk can affect a firm's expected cash flows, and by extension, its financial performance. This paper examines the ...
riskarisingfromtransactionexposure.TypesofHedging 1.ForwardMarketHedges:useforward contractstooffsetexchangerateexposure 2.MoneyMarketHedges:useborrowingand lendinginthemoneymarkets 3.HedgingwithSwaps:usecombinationof forwardandmoneymarketinstruments4.HedgingwithForeignCurrencyFutures:use futurescontractstooffsetexchange...
foreign sales ratio,all these variables have been proved to be related to MNCs''currency risk exposure but was not included into previous models.Moreover,this model absorbs advantages of several models built in previous studies and combines them into a whole,intact model.This paper also employed ...
Using a sample of Swedish firms we investigate the risk reducing effect of foreign exchange exposure hedging. Further, we investigate risk reduction from using different hedging instruments, and particular interest is directed towards the impact of transaction exposure hedges and translation exposure hedges...
(1)AccountfortheoriginalsaleinUSDollars.(2)Accountforgains/lossesfromexchangeratefluctuations.9-5 LO3 HedgingForeignExchangeRisk Twoforeigncurrencyderivativesthatareoftenusedtohedgeforeigncurrencytransactions:Foreigncurrencyforwardcontractslockinthepriceforwhichthecurrencywillsellatcontract’smaturity.Foreign...
Using a mean–variance framework, the paper evaluates hedging performance when interest rate and foreign exchange risks are hedged separately versus simultaneously. Optimal hedge ratios for separate and simultaneous hedging strategies are estimated using the multivariate GARCH model. The magnitude of ...