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hedge fund 翻译成对冲基金,mutual fund 翻译成中文则为共同基金。(1)美国的 hedge fund 美国的对冲基金也不是一个法律概念。过去,对冲基金发展主要指在公司股权市场中使用复杂的对冲和套利交易技术的,私下的、非注册的投资集合。对冲基金的投资者仅限于成熟富有的个人。随着时间的推移,对冲基金的活动...
Quant Developer-base上海 (Alpha 方向QD,偏AI Infra一点);资深运维工程师 -base北京 机器学习研究员...
Hedge Fund vs. Mutual Fund: What is the Difference in Fee Structure? The more actively involved a fund manager is in monitoring the investment portfolio and adjusting the holdings, the higher the fee structure is charged to investors.
there are various investment vehicles like mutual funds, exchange-traded funds and alternatives like hedge funds. For you to choose the right vehicle to start your investment journey on, you must be clear about the functioning, running and maintenance costs, and mileage of these v...
When it comes to mutual fund vs. hedge fund career paths, there are many factors to consider. Learn the difference between them here and which is right for you.
Fidelity, with $2.6 trillion in mutual fund assets5 BlackRock, with $307 billion in mutual fund assets6 Hedge Funds Hedge funds have the same basic pooled fund structure as mutual funds. However, hedge funds are only offered privately. Typically, they are known for taking higher-risk positio...
Hedgefundsarelikemutualfundsinsomeways.Investmentprofessionalsinahedgefundpoolinmoneyfrominvestorstobemanaged-exactlylikethemutualfundsdo.And,subjecttosomeminorrestrictions,investorsinhedgefundscanwithdrawtheirmoneyastheycaninamutualfund.Nothingelseissimilar.Letmeexplainthedifferences Difference1 HedgeFunds Focusonabsolute...