A Square Kilometer is equivalent to 100 Hectares, 1,000,000 Square Meters, 247.1 Acres, and 0.3861 square miles. The unit is used for describing the breadth and length of countries and cities alike. India already has a total area standing at 3,287,263 Square Kilometers in total. The Old...
6 miles square = 1 township = 36 sections= 36 sq mi. Difference between hectare and square meter The difference between hectare and square meter is mentioned in the table below: Hectare Square Meter It is used for measuring plots of land for agriculture, forestry, construction, etc. It is ...
hectaressquare milesacressquare yardssquare feetsquare inchessquare kilometerssquare meterssquare centimeterssquare millimetersares 1 ha0.003861 sq mi2.471054 ac11,960 sq yd107,639 sq ft15,500,031 sq in0.01 sq km10,000 sq m100,000,000 sq cm10,000,000,000 sq mm100 a ...