Firstly, a binary regression model was used to examine the factors determining the participation of farmers in the use of guti urea technology. Secondly, treatment effect was assessed by the Heckman's two-stage model to identify the impact of the farmers' participation on the adoption of guti ...
(v2) Fit a Heckman model using the two-step estimation method heckman y x1, select(selected = v1 x1) twostep As above, and display first-stage probit estimates heckman y x1, select(selected = v1 x1) twostep first Menu heckman for maximum likelihood estimates Statistics > Sample-selection...
Fit a Heckman model using the two-step estimation method heckman y x1, select(selected = v1 x1) twostep Same as above, and display first-stage probit estimates heckman y x1, select(selected = v1 x1) twostep first Menu Statistics > Sample-selection models > Heckman selection model 1 2 ...