专有的USP后座力减少系统是USP40的主要亮点之一。它最大限度的减少了其组件的磨损,同时确保了减少后座力。该枪配有10发或13发加长弹匣。 VP40 Heckler&Koch VP40.40 S&W是一款高品质的手枪,由于其卓越的性能和坚固的结构而成为枪支爱好者的热门选择。VP40是一款聚合物制枪身、撞针击发的手枪,弹膛为.40S&W,具有...
Heckler Koch USP40 Tactical 4.9" Threaded Barrel 226348 $276.99 $229.99 Quick View Compare Heckler Koch MR762 Quad Rail Handguard 235870 $354.99 Quick View Compare HK Mark23 Thread Cap (replaces 702039). MPN 970174 $30.99 $29.99 Quick View ...
Our Heckler & Koch Pistol Barrels available for USP Models, HK 45, VP9, P30, P30L. Conventionally rifled for lead and jacketed bullets. Order yours today!
I got a P2000SK in .40, and I think I might like it even more than the USP, despite it being snappier. Regardless, the USP still sits on my hip in the country, while the P2000SK rides in town.
Heckler & Koch pistols - HK USP, HK 45, HK P30 sale at Eurooptic.com! No tax, fast shipping. Call (570) 368-3920 to place your order.
作为著名的德国枪械制造商,黑克勒-科赫公司(Heckler & Koch)手枪似乎并没有步枪那样声名显赫。许多专家都认为,P30是黑克勒-科赫最成功的手枪型号。P30由弗兰克·亨宁格(Frank Henninger)设计,2006年推出并开始在民用市场销售。P30接过了富有传奇色彩的HK USP(通用自动装填手枪)的接力棒,在保持可靠性的同时,在...
Heckler & Koch HK45 Compact Tactical .45ACP Pistol The HK45 is an evolution of the popular USP family of pistols and was designed to meet requirements for the U.S. Military Joint Combat Pistol program in an effort to replace the 9mm M9 pistol used by the U.S. military. ...
Heckler & Koch HK45 Compact Tactical .45ACP Pistol The HK45 is an evolution of the popular USP family of pistols and was designed to meet requirements for the U.S. Military Joint Combat Pistol program in an effort to replace the 9mm M9 pistol used by the U.S. military. ...
USP手枪 UniversalSelf-loadingPistol 9毫米 .40S&W .45ACP 2创造币 开通VIP免费下载 3D查看在 Vision Pro 查看 使用声明:《德国Heckler&KochUSP手枪》模型版权归原作者所有。本作品仅供网友学习交流,请勿传播分享,严禁商用。如您的权利受到侵害,请提供书面证明,并联系网站客服:77635564@qq.com,我们将及时处理删除。
(Heckler &..公司基本情况:公司类型:公开招股公司成立时间:1949年 代表人物 :Edmund Heckler、Theodor Koch 总部地点 :德国奥本多夫产业:军事工业产品:枪械 员工人数 :700