作为著名的德国枪械制造商,黑克勒-科赫公司(Heckler & Koch)手枪似乎并没有步枪那样声名显赫。许多专家都认为,P30是黑克勒-科赫最成功的手枪型号。P30由弗兰克·亨宁格(Frank Henninger)设计,2006年推出并开始在民用市场销售。P30接过了富有传奇色彩的HK USP(通用自动装填手枪)的接力棒,在保持可靠性的同时,在...
Heckler & Koch recently introduced the P30. While clearly derived from the popular USP (Universal Service Pistol), the P30 is quite different in its execution and details. Let's take a close look and see what the P30 has to offer. Like the rest of the USP breed, the HK P30 is a ...
Our Heckler & Koch Pistol Barrels available for USP Models, HK 45, VP9, P30, P30L. Conventionally rifled for lead and jacketed bullets. Order yours today!
Heckler&Koch VP40.40 S&W是一款高品质的手枪,由于其卓越的性能和坚固的结构而成为枪支爱好者的热门选择。VP40是一款聚合物制枪身、撞针击发的手枪,弹膛为.40S&W,具有多种功能和优点。VP40采用一体式增强聚合物框架制成,具有卓越的耐用性,并具有符合人体工程学的握把,是射击更加舒适。它提供了三个可互换的...
53次视频播放 手机看 弹幕 登录后可发送弹幕0/30 发送 稍后观看 正序 已经到底了~ HecklerKochP30P30L9mm手枪介绍 53次观看 · 13天前 转发 评论 赞 稍后看 贱斯基 3.9万粉丝 · 1743个视频 关注 HecklerKochP30P30L9mm手枪介绍 0条评论 同时转发评论 快来发表你的评论吧 ...
Heckler&Koch是一家著名的德国武器制造商,以其为全球军事、执法和安全组织使用的枪支系列而闻名。Heckler&Koch成立于1949年,以生产市场上最可靠和最准确的枪支而享有盛誉。因此,他们的武器被世界上许多精锐部队所采用,包括美国海军海豹突击队、澳大利亚特种空勤团和德国特种部队。 60多年来,Heckler&Koch一直为平民枪支...
HECKLER & KOCH P30SK V3 9MM 3.27", BLUE, 1-10RD MAG, 1-13RD MAG HECKLER & KOCH P30SK V3 9MM 3.27", BLUE, 1-10RD MAG, 1-13RD MAG Call for Availability HECKLER & KOCH VP9-B OPTICS READY, 9MM 4.09" 17RDS HECKLER & KOCH VP9-B OPTICS READY, 9MM 4.09" 17RDS Call for ...
Perspectives at Heckler & Koch: Helping to shape security. Experienced Staff Traineeship Training Internships Newsroom Current News Show all Heckler & Koch products Reliable. Safe. First Class. SFP9 P30 SFP9 P30 SFP9 P30 Trust. Responsibility. Security. ...
Heckler & Koch 家族的著名设计: 手枪:USP(变体:P8、P2000、Mark 23)、P7、SFP9、VP70、P30 冲锋枪:MP5、MP7、UMP 突击步枪:G3、G36、HK53、HK416、HK417、HK33、HK433、XM8 半自动步枪:HK SL6、HK SL7、HK SL8、HK 630、HK 770、HK 940
Heckler & Koch P30SK (SubKompact) 9mm, V3-Double Action/Single Action Semi-Auto The SK version of the highly respected P30 series features all of the characteristics of the larger models except in a compact and concealable design. Like most HK handguns, the P30SK consists of modifiable back...