Try WMS Free for 14 Days>Purchase WMS with HEC-RAS> HEC-RAS Description: The HEC-RAS system will ultimately contain three one-dimensional hydraulic analysis components for: (1) steady flow water surface profile computations; (2) unsteady flow simulation; and (3) movable boundary sediment transpo...
In this study, terrain data of Surat city and Lower Tapi Basin obtained from Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) 30m digital elevation model (DEM) and flood data of 2006 were used to develop a 2D hydrodynamic model in HEC-RAS-v6.1. The discharge from the Ukai Dam during the flood ...
flood;GIS;Gilireng watershed;HEC-RAS;UH SUH 1. Introduction Indonesia is an archipelago with many rivers that require integrated water resources management [1,2]. Such management is expected to reduce the destructive power of water in the community. One of the destructive forces of water is flo...