because I need this direct interaction to be able to assess them personally. Undoubtedly, this is a lot of work, and it does consume many long days of interviews, but I do consider this selection process being a critical part of my role: you can only get...
So they might want to put additional information if they’re looking for a scholarship that we couldn’t have measured. Some people are telling us more about their life situation. So for the additional, we let it go. We haven’t had anything too, too long yet. And, like I said, not...
A graduate scholarship to Ioanna Zotou by the Research Committee of the National Technical University of Athens is greatly appreciated. The authors would also like to thank the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) for the provision of the rainfall data utilized in the present study. Conflicts of...
While there is substantial legal, criminological, and bioethical literature on illegal euthanasia and assisted suicide (EAS) in non-MAiD jurisdictions, this paper contributes to the currently sparse scholarship exploring HSKwithinlegalized MAiD regimes (Crofts,2022). As such, it tests and challenges ass...