digital library-PakistanHEC-digital libraryThe revolution of emerging technologies has completely altered the conventional library system into computerized library system and more recently into digital ldoi:10.2139/ssrn.1920628Jan, Saeed UllahRafia, A. Sheikh...
Our structure is composed of a number of stake holders working together to deliver quality training and education to those who are eager to join and be a part of the transformation of a better world. This structure is streamlined allowing us to make decisions quickly, execute our strategy and...
Have fun with friends Make an appointment Home Theatre For the avid movie lover, a normal family living room just doesn't provide the kind of experience they crave for; a real home theater setup would just meet the needs. Watching the newest blockbuster with a projector and a projector scree...
Second-order IIR digital filtering ( (cuda)A miniapp for the CoMet comparative genomics application ( (openmp)The simple n^2 SPH simulation (
The LactMed database, part of the National Library of Medicine’s TOXNET system, a Web-based collection of resources covering toxicology, chemical safety, and environmental health, contains information on drugs and other chemicals that breastfeeding mothers may be exposed to. It concludes, “...
USB2DIO.DLL (dynamic link library) for easy appliance Windows98, WindowsXP, Windows2000 USB2 Digital I/O Interface driver Application examples which demonstrate the use of the DLL CONVERTER USB2DMX USB2DMX - DMX512 Interface USB to DMX converter - USB interface for DMX512 at USB2 High Spee...
Detailed Digital Elevation Model of resolution 12.5 × 12.5 m (DEM) bearing the data for the main channel and overbank floodplain areas was used to create a river hydraulics model in ArcGIS. A triangulated irregular network (TIN) in vector format was preferred as it allows accurate descri...
USB2DIO.DLL (dynamic link library) for easy appliance Windows98, WindowsXP, Windows2000 USB2 Digital I/O Interface driver Application examples which demonstrate the use of the DLL CONVERTER USB2DMX USB2DMX - DMX512 Interface USB to DMX converter - USB interface for DMX512 at USB2 High Spee...
Library and Information Science Curriculum in Pakistani Universities: A Comparison with Higher Education Commission Approved Curriculum The main theme of this research article is to equate the library and information science curriculum taught at Bachelor of Studies (BS) level at the Pakista... S Jan...
4. The high resolution ortho-image and digital elevation model (DEM) were utilized to precisely delineate catchments and streams, as well as locate structures and dams, and obtain necessary information to build the models. The three model development tools presented above, and the use of highly...