The author of Hebrews in chapters three and four has been admonishing his readers to be diligent to enter into God's rest. In order to enter into that rest they must claim the promises of God which are found in His Word. They must hear the word and believe in it. They must trust in...
This monograph examines the place of chapters 3 and 4 in the larger argument of Hebrews, particularly the relationship of the people of God in Heb 3:7–4:13 to the surrounding discussion of the high priest. The connection between the great high priest and the people of God proved a centra...
This monograph examines the place of chapters 3 and 4 in the larger argument of Hebrews, particularly the relationship of the people of God in Heb 3:7–4:13 to the surrounding discussion of the high priest. The connection between the great high priest and the people of God proved a centra...
After His work on earth, Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high (v. 3), signifying His completed work and exalted status. Superior to Angels Verses 4-14 emphasize that Jesus is superior to the angels, being called the Son and receiving worship from them. This underscore...
Hebrews 9:3: "Behind the second curtain was a room called the Most Holy Place." Description: The Most Holy Place, or Holy of Holies, is the innermost and most sacred area of the tabernacle, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. The Greek term is "ἅγια ἁγίων" (ha...
This section concludes with a paraenetic exhortation: "Let us therefore make every effort to enter that rest, lest anyone fall after the same pattern of unbelief" (4:11). In subsequent chapters, the author picks up this theme and continues to explore the paraenetic implications of the ...
12.1ffAfter explaining in the preceding chapters how we are redeemed through faith in Jesus Christ, the author now exhorts his readers to run the race with perseverance. Hebrews 12:23Orangels, and to the festal gathering and assembly Hebrews 12 ...
Abraham accepted God's promises and acted on them. He took God at His Word and walked by faith seeing what the human eye could not see. The testimony of Abraham begins in Genesis 12:1 and covers many chapters. "By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place ...
Chapters for Hebrews 12345678910111213 Summary Summary of the Book of Hebrews This summary of the book of Hebrews provides information about the title, author(s), date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the Book of Hebrews. ...
That this is in the last days, connected with the introduction of the Millennium, the connexion of the whole passage, and the following chapters, fully decide. Both houses of the descendants of Abraham, (viz. Israel and Judah,) are recovered, as will be seen. Those predictions cannot be ...