6:9.But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you ... things that accompany salvation... Heb 6:10 6:10. The author moved to encourage his readers, noting thatGod, being God, would notforget... Heb 6:11 6:11.We desire. While some were ...
6:1 Greek from dead works. 6:10 Greek for God’s holy people. 6:14 Gen 22:17. 希伯來書 6 Chinese Union Version (Simplified) 6 所以, 我们应当离开基督道理的开端,竭力进到完全的地步,不必再立根基,就如那懊悔死行,信靠神、 2 各样洗礼、按手之礼、死人复活,以及永远审判各等教训。 3 神若...
Heb 6:10God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. Likewise Paul notes of the Thessalonians,"We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted ...
外部播放此歌曲> Broda Harrison - Hebrews 13 vs 6 专辑:Year of 7 歌手:Broda Harrison 还没有歌词哦
Romans 14:5-6 The Churchmen vs The Sabbath --Fasts 5 hours ago WHO WILL ENTER INTO HIS REST? Hebrews 4: 5 hours ago THE SABBATH COMMANDMENT 7 hours ago THE LORD'S DAY 7 hours ago The Seventh Day Sabbath Honors The Creator 7 hours ago word or WORD -...
So regardless whether the Torah allows Hebrew slavery (Ex 21:2-4; Deut 12:15-18) or forbids it (Lev 25:39-43), all its traditions seem to allow the Hebrew to terminate his slavery or servitude if so desired after a specific time period: 6 years or the next jubilee year. ...
31 Millard Erickson seeks to resolve some of the difficulty with the distinction: "While Hebrews 6 indicates that genuine believers can fall away, John 10 teaches that they will not."32 Discredit the authority of the letter.Whatever our final understanding, we must deal fairly with this text...
"Hold on to"(NIV), "hold firm" (NRSV), and "hold fast" (KJV) is the verbkatechō, "to adhere firmly to traditions, convictions, or beliefs, hold to, hold fast, retain faithfully," in verses 6, 14, and 10:23. Keep holding on! Don't let go! Continue in your faith and confide...
撒迦利亞 6-8 Chinese Union Version (Simplified) 6 我又举目观看,见有四辆车从两山中间出来;那山是铜山。 2 第一辆车套着红马,第二辆车套着黑马。 3 第三辆车套着白马,第四辆车套着有斑点的壮马。 4 我就问与我说话的天使说:主啊,这是甚麽意思? 5 天使回答我说:这...
6:10-12God’s purpose in saving you was not merely so you will go to heaven when you die; he... Heb 6:13 6:13-15Twenty-five years passed between God’s promise of a son and the birth of Isaac. Then... Heb 6:17 6:17God’spromiseis his...