willingness, He meanwhile endured the cross. [—— For the joy,i.e. that He might obtain the joy.—V. g.] Christ had not such a mind as that the cross should not seem to be a matter ofjoy;comp.Hebrews 12:11. Thusπροκίμενονandπροκειμένηςcorrespond t...
11:1-3 Faith always has been the mark of God's servants, from the beginning of the world. Where the principle is planted by the regenerating Spirit of God, it will cause the truth to be received, concerning justification by the sufferings and merits of Christ. And the same things that ...
Main Objective:Faith can be a difficult concept for youngsters to grasp, as it is not necessarily tangible or easily explained. This message aims to communicate to kids that we can trust God no matter what, and know that He will provide for us in this life and the next. It is not alwa...
such that it prompted their enemies and detractors admit that there was an intelligence and a power in them that could not be explained by their education or pedigree, but that was the result of having been with the very Man whom those Jewish leaders had delivered up to be crucified! Those...
acquittal."12Using a related Greek word, Jesus explained his mission: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as aransom(lutron) for many" (Mark 10:45). We were like slaves to sin, and he bought us so that he might set us free...
Most commentators of our own day accept the second meaning explained above, "confidence" or "assurance in regard to things hoped for." To adopt Dr. Vaughan's clear explanation, "Faith is that principle, that exercise of mind and soul, which has for its object things not seen but hoped ...
and the symmetry of the verse almost compels us here to make choice of some word which denotes an act, or at all events an attitude, of the mind. Most commentators of our own day accept the second meaning explained above, “confidence” or “assurance in regard to things hoped for.” ...