(16) They confess themselves but sojourners (Hebrews 11:13), and thus make it plain that they are still seeking their true home (14); and yet, if. they had sought nothing more than an earthly home, there is one already, which was once theirs, and to which they might return (15);...
as compared with the one under which they had formerly been - the Jewish;Hebrews 12:18-29. Under the former, everything was suited to alarm and terrify the soul;Hebrews 12:18-21. The new dispensation was of a different character. It was adapted to encourage and to win the heart....
by χορός, "dancing;" occasionally, however, it gives a different meaning, as in Ps 30:11 (Heb. Bible, verse 12), where it is translated χαρά, "joy," and in Jer 31:4,14, where it is rendered Συναγωγή, " assembly." The Shemitic versions of the O.T...
but the specific emphases and writing styles are markedly different. Contrary to Paul's usual practice, the author of Hebrews nowhere identifies himself in the letter -- except to indicate that he was a man (see note on11:32). Moreover, the statement "This salvation, which was first annou...
(cf. the different testimonies in B. F. Westcott, "The Epistle to the Hebrews", London, 1906, pp. lxii-lxxii). It was not until after the appearance of Arius that the Pauline origin of the Epistle to the Hebrews was disputed by some Orientals and Greeks....
(1) the Holy Spirit in the Psalm refers to the assumption of human nature in a condition wholly different from fallen man, even from His virgin mother. Of this the figure of "ears digged" not merely opened or bored, is the striking expression. Other ears were deaf through sin; His only...
Outside the writings of St. John there is no passage in the New Testament in which the word of God is as clearly invested with personal attributes as here. The word is "quick" (that is,living), "powerful" (or,active--mighty in operation,as most of our versions render the word), "...
and that the writer is comparing sin with a garment—either alooselyfitting garment by which the runner becomes entangled and tripped up, or one that clingscloselyto him and thus impedes his ease of movement. This view of the meaning is taken in our earlier English versions, which either ...
not being mixed with faith in them that heard—So the Syriac and the Old Latin Versions, older than any of our manuscripts, and Lucifer, read, "As the world did not unite with the hearers in faith." The word heard being the food which, as the bread of life, must pass into flesh ...
“the different attributes here assigned to Christ, taken literally, exclude one another,” (Thol.), and that according to Exodus 25., not only the tabernacle but also all its utensils were to be made after the heavenly model. We must thus regard this expression as asensible embodimentof ...