(36) Patience--i.e., brave, patient endurance (see the Note on Hebrews 6:12). The general strain of the exhortation in that chapter (Hebrews 10:9-20) closely resembles these verses. That, after ye have done . . . ye might.--Better, that, having done the will of God, ye may ...
All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a
Hebrews 10:36 English Standard Version Anglicised 36Foryou have need of endurance, so thatwhen you have done the will of God you mayreceive what is promised. Read full chapter Hebrews 10:36 in all English translations English Standard Version Anglicised(ESVUK) ...
The Lord shall judge his people.—This, again, is a quotation, and from the same chapter (Deuteronomy 32:36). If the context of the original passage be examined, there will be no doubt as to the meaning of the words. As inPsalm 43:1;Psalm 135:14, “to judge,” as here used, s...
intended to frighten the readers -- Jewish Christians who were flirting with the possibility of returning to their former Judaism. This is the fourth of thefive warning passages in Hebrews. The passage has also has frightened many faithful Christians in our day who misunderstand its meaning and ...
This could hardly be the full force of the Spirit’s meaning here, and the context seems to suggest more than that. I believe the scripture here is referring to a coordinated effort by demonic agents who work through men, often in crowds and through conspiracies, to achieve their destructive...
λόγος (logos), word, utterance, meaning (G3364); λέγω (legō), collect, count, say... G3516. μέλλω, mellō, be about to, be on the point of, intend, propose G3516 μέλλω μέλλω (mellō), be about ...
As a wayward kid searching for meaning and majesty in life, Harvey was fascinated by the way Jesus loved and pursued the outcasts and people like him. Having grown up going to church, this Jesus he found in the Bible was nothing like the Christians he was used to. His life was ...
λόγος (logos), word, utterance, meaning (G3364); λέγω (legō), collect, count, say... G3516. μέλλω, mellō, be about to, be on the point of, intend, propose G3516 μέλλω μέλλω (mellō), be about...