Yahuah’s Word refers to Hebrew by the termEBRITH. As teachers attempt to teach Hebrew, the originalHebrew scriptis often ignored entirely, and they use theAramaicscript while calling it “modern Hebrew.” The Aramaic script was inherited from Babel in the days of NekemYah(Nehemiah). NIQQUD-...
This language is an Archaic Language. We still use many hand gestures of Manakathhey words naturally but we don’t use the symbols nor know how to read them. That is my job to teach you how to put it all together. I prayed for the revelation and Yahuah gave it to me. It was scar...
Shalum and thank you for your efforts in creating this app. However, the app needs improvement in working out the kinks with the sound and also more research on the pronunciation of the words. Also, regular updates would be helpful. May Yahuah continue to bless your endeavors. ...