In English, the word “help” has a broad range of connotations. “Help” can refer to a simple, modest act, or it can refer to something much more vital and significant. An example of vital help is the assistance provided by doctors. In Hebrew, the word for “helper” used inGenesis...
8). The end here is the beatific vision: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matt. 5:8). The goal of “purging” is fruitfulness and blessing, but the agency is not the will of man but the power of God. You are made “clean” through the word of God ...
Deliverer (מוֹשִׁיעַ) Redeemer (גּוֹאֵל) Mediator (מְתַוֵך) Priest (הַכֹּהֵן) Messiah (הַמָּשִׁיחַ) Moshia – Savior (מוֹשִׁיעַ) ...
That remind s me that I did hear some Jews debat ing whether he might n ot be the Wonderful Deliverer whom they are expecting. " Was there any danger that Aleph would be unduly exalted in his own estimation by such a very compliment ary account Of himself ? Perhaps he was saved from ...
It could not have been Jesus, this word did not exist at that time, and is not a Hebrew name. Yahusha’s Name means “I am your Deliverer.” Hisfollowers were not writing in Greek. Hebrew is mentioned 11 times in the Natsarim Writings; Aramaic 0times. ...
The saviour or deliverer is to come to bruise the serpent's head once for all; and in this passing of mythology into the later eschatology the ever-coming was changed into the long-expected and, as it turns out, never-coming son of the Holy Spirit and a mother who was ever-virgin. ...