“Great is peace, for of all the commandments it is written: ‘if[emphases added] thou see,’‘ifthou meet’ (Exodus 23:4, 5), ‘if[there] chance’ (Deuteronomy 22:6); that is, if the occasion for this commandment should arise, you must do it, and if not, you need not do i...
The influence of the Hebrew language on the English lexicon is often underestimated. Despite its significant impact, many English speakers may be unaware of the Hebrew origins of some common words in their daily vocabulary. This page delves into the fasc
in Hebrew, are called the ten "dvarim" (using the plural form fordavar,as it appears in Deuteronomy 4:12 and Exodus 34:28).So each so-called "commandment" is really a single "davar".
Doing so is a mitzvah—a commandment—and, what a coincidence, it is a biblical commandment found in the Shema itself: “you shall inscribe them [these words] on the doorposts of your home.” So, every Jewish home, or to be more inclusive, every home in which someone identifies as ...
The Jewish sages likewise later affirmed, “This world is like a corridor before the World to Come; prepare yourself in the corridor, that you may enter into the hall” (Avot 4:21), which implies that the great commandment is דִּרְשׁוּנִי וִחְ...
Watch the videofor more discussion of nominal sentences in Hebrew, and an important vocabulary item. Optional:read morein-depth about the deep meaning of the word “HESED” which we learned today. Reviewthese flashcardsfrom Vocabulary List 8 (from Biblical Hebrew 1). ...
(Gen.1:21). Interesting that the creation of humans was never described as great. Of course, they were particularlynot greatwhen they chose to become gods themselves, rather than follow God’s single commandment (“do not eat of the tree…”). This decision that Eve and Adam made, meant...
Word Origin: Derived from the Hebrew root עוּד (ud), meaning "to repeat" or "to testify." Corresponding Greek / Hebrew Entries: There is no direct Greek equivalent for the Hebrew name Iddo in the Strong's Greek Dictionary, as it is a proper noun specific to Hebrew texts. ...
What Is The Hardest Commandment? They’re Blaming The Jews For Covid Laughing In The Heavens Should We Be Having Kids In The Last Days? video_librarySeries Defending Yeshua The Virgin Birth Debate 11 VideosRead more Start now Details
The other word Skip referenced that was used in the LXX for atonement isιλαστήριον (hilastērion), also the noun form. This word is used for the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant in Heb 9:5, but for Christ in Rom 3:25. Another noun form,hilasmos, is used...