Evidence for 1334 Flood Fifth Shemittah Cycle Year 1334 – Blessing Year 1335 2023 Rosh Hosanna September 16 * Feast of Trumpets September 17 ‘Days of Awe’ September 16 thru September 25, 2023 TEN Days later: Yom Kippur The Fast … Continue reading Jubilee Confirms Early flood Bible History...
Files and code refactoring. Incorporate common code written since more than one year for Calendar. Update to SQLite 3.32.3 ODBC Driver. Update to Framework .NET 4.7.2 and supported Windows only 7 SP1 or higher. Update setup. Update web links. Update help.2020.04...
I won’t bore you with the details, but unexpected issues with work have kept the stress level consistently higher than normal since New Year’s. Some years simply get off to a rocky start, and the past couple of days have been that way. The political tensions of the past four years,...
I have looked for documentation and have dumped the font names in xcode but still cannot seem to pinpoint the new font used for Armenian. The old one was Noto Sans. The new one is considerably better but I would appreciate any insight into what the new font is called. 1 year ago 698...
2023-12-03 00:19:13 Hi Nora, Thank you for your comment!😄 Yamim Noraim also refer to Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish new year) and Yom Kipor periods. Lovely name! Happy learning! Yours, Tal Team Hebrewpod101.com Nora 2023-11-27 15...
Yuval Welis to adi733Jun 26, 2023 It seems that soon after I wrote the above message by the end of December 2022, MS had finally fixed the bug... But only on Office 365: The Win 10-11 app still has this problem.So if you have the Office version of One...
As I’ve mentioned in prior posts, I do this every year (here). My all-time low was in 2023, only to be outdone this time at a miserable twenty-four. I am not proud of it, but I post it here nonetheless. Chalk it up to busyness! (A lousy excuse.) (more…) Posted in ...
Cafe Hebrew: Safari lets you explore the Hebrew ABC’s as well as the names of everyone’s favorite animals. Take a journey with a safari map to see the sights an…
to: peas in a pod , 01/31/2023 Audio Bible Does Not Work I purchased the full package for $10 in order to listen to the Bible being read in Hebrew… but this feature doesn’t work. The Bible itself seems great, but my whole intention was to be able to listen. more App...
Hidden Criticism Thorns in Life AMAZING FAITH We need each other to grow spiritually fast and slow Will you have too much faith next year? More than a glitch Where do you belong? Declaration of dependence Why the heart matters Why do you do what you do?