Recently, some of our readers have asked us why we use the name Yeshua in the place of Jesus. Other readers challenge us to use Yahshua instead of Yeshua, believing that Yah more accurately reflects the divine nature of Yeshua and is the correct way to pronounce the name of the Jewish Me...
” and the great showdown between the LORD and the gods of Egypt began. However, even after repeatedly witnessing the series of miraculous plagues issued in the Name of the LORD, the despot remained proud and unmoved, thereby setting the stage for the final devastating plagues upon the land ...
Just to go off on a further tangent, as I tend to do, Jesus's full original name in Hebrew was Yehoshuah. This was Yeshua for short. The New Testament was written in Greek (not Hebrew) so they made that Iesu. The Greek language doesn't have any Y or "SH" letters, like Hebrew ...
Others say, "The Name of our Messiah is "Yeshua" which is the original proper name for Jesus the Nazarene. The word "Jesus" is actually a mis-transliteration of a Greek mis-transliteration. The Emperor Constantine even mistook Jesus for Apollo, the son of the Greek god Zeus. In Hebrew,...
Rabbi Yeshua‘s original Apostles were all shlikhim, as well as a few others such as St. Paul. Rabbi Kefa St. Peter, the Head Apostle. His birth name was Shimeon bar-Yona (Simon, son of John). Since the Greek-language Septuagint Bible that Jesus used for daily reading did not have...
Some people feel frightened when they consider all this, but fear arises only if we miss Yeshua’s point… Good works can’t save you, even those performed in the Savior’s name… What saves you is trusting in God’s great love for your life: “This is the work of God, to trust ...
Yeshua Gave us the Torah at Mount Sinai The purpose of this teaching is to convey to you that it was Yeshua who gave us the Torah at Mt Sinai. Eddie lays a foundation and connects what happened at Creation with the events at MtRead More ... ...
If you ponder and meditate on the spiritual meaning of the Hebrew letters, you will tap deeply into the mind of God. You will find treasures of his revelation that many moons of reading the texts of Scripture at face value may fail to gain for you. ...
Yeshua Israel We believe that there is ONE Creator, GOD, Who reveals Himself in the dimensions of Father, Son (The Messiah), and Holy Spirit. Acts II Ministries There is one Almighty. Revealed by His Name as YHVH.” Manna from Heaven Ministries ...
All of the ancient writers, whose extant writings allude to the question, represent Matthew as having written a narrative in Hebrew; but not one of them claims to have seen it except Jerome, and he subsequently expresses doubt as to whether the book which he saw under this name was the ...