“all humansare mortal” – which is typically followed by two statements making particularclaims. The first of these would usually name an individual – for example,“Socrates is a human” – while the second particular statement draws the inevi-table conclusion – in this case, that “...
Foranorganization whosevery name carries the loadedterm‘atonement,’the salient phenomenon of conversionsto Judaism asaform ofVergangenheits-bewältigung(overcomingthe past)¹⁹might not be terriblysurprising.²⁰Conver-sions toZionism(or Anti-Zionism, for thatmatter)haveproved to be moreprob-...
—Dr. Seuss, in Hebrew, naturally דּוֹקְטוֹר סוּס doktor sus, translates as ‘Doctor Horse’, a fine name for a childrens’ author.— I might translate Lo Raev Velo Ohev as “Not Hungry and Don’t Like”. The semantic range of Hebrew ʔhb incl...