A very good list of Hebrew baby names to help you when naming your baby. When looking at Jewish heritage and keeping with tradition, you need to look no further than AboutBabyNames.com for that perfect name. Hebrew Baby Names Aaliyah – high exalted, to ascend Aaron – shining light, hig...
Perhaps Rabbi Jose may be correct in his explanation of the term ketab Ashuri as the name for the modern script; according to him is equivalent to Ασσυρία, Συρία, and therefore meant Syriac, Aramaic. Of interest also is an expression of Rabbi Judah which shows that the ...
MIZRAIM – MORE THAN JUST A NAME We are still discussing Biblical names, and we are now in the book… IIBS Blogs Jewish Studies Holy Land Studies Reclaiming The Biblical Names (3):... Jewish Studies By Julia Blum JOSEPH’S NEW NAME Readers who have been following this blog for a ...
Former owner’s name on inside, no other markings. Small rip on top left corner of dustjacket, which has some other wear. Small crease on back cover of book, but does not affect integrity of book. Book itself in great shape.720 pages. All words that occur less than 50x in OT are l...
. Jonathan and Martha Kent replace Queen Nefertari, wife of the Pharaoh Seti I. At the same time, Superman is also an immigrant, living far from home and entirely ignorant of the culture of his own people; untilSuperman #113in 1957, he didn't even know Kal-El was his birth name....
Name. The designation "Hebrew language" for the language in which are written the Old Testament (with the exception of Ezra iv. 8-vi. 18; Dan. ii. 4 [after the fourth word]-vii. 38; Jer. x. 11; and a proper name in Gen. xxxi. 47), part of the Apocryphal and pseudepigraphic...
Similarly, Hosea’s son is namedLo-Ammi,which meansnot my people. In connection with this name, God says, “For you are not My people [lo-ammi], and I am not your God.Yet the Israelites will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be measured or counted. In the place wher...
In 1882 shortly after they arrived here their first child was born, a son, who was name Ben-Avi and he said this is going to be the first true Modern Hebrew speaking person. He said, “We are not going to allow anybody in his presence for 12 years unless they can speak Biblical ...
I put my trust in the horses and chariots of Egypt and did not know it, because so much of it was sold to me with the name of the Lord stamped on it. Most of us choose to serve the Lord (love) in name, but substitute trust in things and people of earth in the places we are...
Reclaiming The Biblical Names (3): Joseph’s Saga Jewish Studies BlogBy Julia Blum JOSEPH’S NEW NAME Readers who have been following this blog for a while know that I love series. It made...Reclaiming The Biblical Names (2) Jewish Studies Blog ...