Against All Odds (Hebrew)Hoberman, Haggai
xiii-xv. John Kessler, "Tradition, Continuity and Covenant in the Book of Haggai: An Alternative Voice from Early Persian Yehud," pp. 1-39; Frank Y. Patrick, "Time and Tradition in the Book of...关键词: spiritual well-being health related quality of life (HRQOL FACIT-Sp ...
Depictions of Exilic and Postexilic Jerusalem in the Hebrew Bible, especially Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachidoi:10.1515/9783110269086.359Paul L. Redditt
Azazel is, according to the Book of Enoch, a fallen Angel. In the Bible, the name Azazel appears in association with the scapegoat rite; the name represents a desolate place where a scapegoat bearing the sins of the Jews during Yom Kippur was sent. During the Second Temple period, he app...
In its general framework, the Hebrew Bible is the account of God’s dealing with the Jews as his chosen people, who collectively called themselves Israel. After an account of the world’s creation by God and the emergence of human civilization, the first six books narrate not only thehistory...
This monumental work was begun around the 6th century ad and completed in the 10th by scholars at Talmudic academies in Babylonia and Palestine, in an effort to reproduce, as far as possible, the original text of the Hebrew Old Testament. Their intention was not to interpret the meaning of...
Haggai and Zechariah 1-8: A Handbook on the Hebrew Textdoi:10.1111/rsr.13106HAGGAI & Zechariah 1-8: A Handbook on the Hebrew Text (Book)ROGLAND, MaxHAGGAI (Biblical prophet)NONFICTIONKelle, Brad E.Religious Studies Review
The Book of Haggai, the 10th of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets. Haggai (fl. 6th century bc) helped mobilize the Jewish community for the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem (516 bc) after the Babylonian Exile and proph
Prophecy - Hebrew, Origins, Development: The Hebrew word for prophet is naviʾ, usually considered to be a loanword from Akkadian nabū, nabāʾum, “to proclaim, mention, call, summon.” Also occurring in Hebrew are ḥoze and roʾe, both meaning