Abram was born in the city of Ur in early Babylon—His father sold idols. We find that Abram’s genealogy goes back to a man named Eber-a great-grandson of Noah. The designation of “Hebrew” refers to the fact that Abram descended from Eber and that he came from the “other side”...
Jewess - a woman who is a Jew Levite - a member of the Hebrew tribe of Levi (especially the branch that provided male assistants to the temple priests) Orthodox Jew - Jew who practices strict observance of Mosaic law Pharisee - a member of an ancient Jewish sect noted for strict obedience...
If one of your countrymen, aHebrewman or woman, becomes your servant for a price and does work for you six years, in the seventh year let him go free. 你弟兄中,若有一个希伯来男人或希伯来女人被卖给你,服事你六年,到第七年就要任他自由出去。
The symbiosis between man and dog changed both man and dog, and their miraculous union created the House of Humanity that became our modern world. And all that began to be when canines, who could not master their fears, began to approach and study and imitate the fearless Fire Keepers, who...
Make that woman the boy’s aunt, though, and now you’ve got something! Or something. “Nina’s Tragedies,” a bittersweet comedy/drama from Israel, is kind of sweet and a little creepy in its attempt to convey adolescent yearning and loneliness. The titular Nina, though, is played by...
NAS Word Usage - Total: 31 love human love for human object of man toward man of man toward himself between man and woman sexual desire God's love to His people Audio Pronunciation Your browser does not support theelement. Original Language ...
A woman's life in the ancient world was constrained by her social and economic status. As a daughter she was firmly under the aegis of her father and brothers, who would later allocate the woman to another man as his wife. The power of fathers and husbands extended to using their wives...
it is most famously used to describe the rib taken from Adam to create Eve, symbolizing the intimate and equal partnership between man and woman. Additionally, "tsela" is used to describe the sides or chambers of structures, such as the sides of the Ark of the Covenant or the chambers of...
And who is the most pivotal and celebrated historical figure in the minds of the Chronicler and his contemporaries? King David. The giant-slayer. The man after God’s own heart. The general. The conqueror who established a great, united kingdom. The psalmist. The priestly king who ...
In the Bible she was a Kenite woman in the time of Deborah who killed the enemy general, Sisera. Yael Continued Yanis Origin: Greek, French, from Hebrew Meaning: "gift of God" Description: One of the relatives on the widely-branching family of John names, Yanis is in the French Top...