Adam is the most basic algorithmic definition of a living being. What goes for Adam, goes for everything that lives. His wife Eve is the "mother of all life" (אמ כל־הי, 'am kal-hay), what today we refer to as the biosphere (Genesis 3:20). Noah is the mind ...
The term in question is one single term whether per se or per all those entities that can be spoken of as hand, according to the definition of equivocal terms. But the ignorant believe that all of its usage refers to its first meaning as I have just explained, which is the human hand...
I suppose I wasn't very clear in my original definition. What I was trying to say was that YHWH was sort of a "symbol" for the written page to stand for the name of God, but that the point was that it couldn't really be written - and since it wasn't a real word, then the ...
Meaning, definition and translation of a word are not the same: “father, grandfather, ancestor, forefather, begetter” are all possible translations of the Hebrew word /av/, they are not meanings, they are English words which have meaning. Each of the meanings of the English words (and ...
Rather, the controlling factor is the location of the utterance (be it written or spoken) on the continuum of (in)formality. Ari-Gur responds: It’s true that, all else being equal, the true imperatives are more formal and the future-tense-forms-as-imperatives are more informal — and ...
> doesn't -- unless you believe that the narrator of the passage is an > eye-witness giving a play-by-play description of a particular woman's > actions. You agree that the passage is gnomic, and by definition a gnomic > utterance is timeless. It's the difference between "The eagle...
Continue reading“The Rāqîaʿ is the Definition of the Sky According to Genesis 1” ) This passage is consistently used as one of the primary supporting texts for the ‘sky is a solid vault’ concept, and understandably so. The context of this passage is greatly important. It is a ...
doesn't -- unless you believe that the narrator of the passage is an eye-witness giving a play-by-play description of a particular woman's actions. You agree that the passage is gnomic, and by definition a gnomic utterance is timeless. It's the difference between "The eagle is circling...
The books of the Pentateuch, beginning with Genesis, describe how the God of the Hebrews created the world and then human beings, whom he placed in... Learn more about this topic: Israelites Definition, History & Religion from Chapter ...
Of course, it’s theorisinig, only a study of first references would show the main source. The definition ‘having friends in high places’ has a down-top shade of meaning, but protektsiya, to me, implies a top-down patronage. Bathrobe says November 30, 2010 at 5:29 am borrowings...