In a nutshell, you want to scan the the titles of the different sections and lessons of the course, and verify that they are clearly relevant to the course’s name, Hebrew For Beginners, as well as the course’s subtitle, Learn how to speak read & write Hebrew from scratch with one o...
CultureInfo hebrewCulture = new CultureInfo("he-IL"); Calendar originalCalendar = hebrewCulture.Calendar; string message = null; // Confirm that the default calendar is not the Hebrew calendar. if (originalCalendar.ToString() != "System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar") { // Check whether ...
” and, “Take that Bible with you everywhere.” I remember that often in my first year of Hebrew (I used the Van Pelt and Pratico text), I wanted to just be able to read the Hebrew Bible
In the quiet this morning, I can’t help but think of the message I gave yesterday among my local gathering of Jesus’ followers. Today’s chapter so beautifully illustrates a point I was making. I observe that many are stuck in the old paradigm of a religious institution founded on the...
12 Pointing out that Rahabi was also involved in translations of other religious scriptures, Weinstein—despite also observing the neutral language of the translation—projected the European polemical tradition on this Indian context and claimed that Rahabi intended to polemicize against other religions....