河北外国语学院(Hebei International Studies University),统招全日制本科大学,应用型国际化大学,河北外国语大学,一带一路语种人才培养基地,中东欧,非通用语种,准职业人培养课堂,外国语学院,翻译学院,外译,河外,外语,西点式口语训练军团,专业外国语大学,语
河北外国语学院(Hebei International Studies University),统招全日制本科大学,应用型国际化大学,河北外国语大学,一带一路语种人才培养基地,中东欧,非通用语种,准职业人培养课堂,外国语学院,翻译学院,外译,河外,外语,西点式口语训练军团,专业外国语大学,语
study, namely media, computer, finance, architecture, business and trade, education, medical care, traffic and tourism, art performance, and foreign literature, in total 136 majors are offered. Website: http://english.hfsu.cn/ 河北外国语学院(Hebei International Studies University),位于河北省石家庄...
Hangzhou Zij Elite Education Technologies and Consulting Co., Ltd 教育培训 Gogo Reading 教育培训 Omeida English College 教育培训 Beijing Shijiebooya International Education Company 教育培训 CEDCA 教育培训 HiredChina 为中国企业链接国际人才 让外籍人士在中国工作生活更便利...
关于Hebei International Studies University 我们还没有Hebei International Studies University的信息。添加点评 我们尚无这家公司的简介。如果您是这家公司的代表,请索取此页面的编辑权 ,然后个性化此页面。 公司企业 Hebei International Studies University Why join us? 行业性质 高等院校...
Hebei Foreign Studies University currently has 28 secondary colleges, of which there are 15 teaching colleges: English School, Spanish-Portuguese Language School, German-French Language School, Eurasian Language School, Oriental Language School, Japanese School, International Language Education College, Schoo...
This university acknowledges China Government Scholarship understudies and Confucius Institute Scholarship. All claims to fame of Hebei Normal University is open for global understudies. The University covers 1829 mu (121 hectares)- Hebei Normal University library has an accumulation of 330,000 volumes ...
Study at Agricultural University of Hebei in Baoding China. All the info for international students on AUH admissions, accommodation, tuition, reviews. Apply online in 3 simple steps.
Hebei Geo University also attaches great importance to international exchange and cooperation, and always regards the idea of running the University open as an important way of talents training. HGU has established partnership with 42 colleges and universities of 25 countries including UK, US, Canada...
All data analyses were performed with SPSS (version 20, Inc, Chicago, IL, USA), SAS (version 9.2, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) and Ms-Excel (Excel, Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA). And we use DisMod II (Erasmus University, Netherlands) to access DALY value44.References...