One minor issue I should address is its color variety. The 16oz size, which is the best for heavy bag workout, is available in only seven (7) colors out of a total of fifteen (15). And the purple color is now manufactured in a different shade of what they advertise on their produc...
Are you working the punching bag? Or is the bag working you? There’s more to a heavy bag workout than throwing punches as hard as you can until the bell rings or you pass out (whichever one happens first). Believe it or not,the heavy bag is not all about power. For those whoSTI...
The heavy bag training is for developing efficient power, not absolute power. You’re not breaking bricks with a single punch. You need power punches you can sustain throughout an entire fight, not just for one round. Keep your hands up, move around the bag, and make sure you’re always...
MISTAKE– Another common result of hitting the heavy bag too much is the development of bad balance. Beginner boxers like to focus too much on power and hitting the bag that they let their feet tangle up as they walk around the bag. Another common mistake is overcommitting to the bag and...