作为 Sum 41 正式解散前推出的道别作,双专辑规格的《Heaven :x: Hell》可谓诚意十足。在写满经典流行朋克曲调的“天堂”篇中,Sum 41 先是以《Waiting On a Twist of Fate》敞开大门,再来到《I Can't Wait》的冲撞派对。活力十足的鼓点和吉他 riff 领着大家走了趟缅怀《Fat Lip》的青春巡礼,一路来到后期...
2024 年,成军将近 30 年的加拿大老牌摇滚乐团 Sum 41 以这首先行曲为他们第 8 张、也是最后一张专辑《Heaven :x: Hell》定下基调:再见并不一定要伤心落泪,最后一场演出也要躁到天亮。而 2024 年 3 月刚刚在家门口看过 Sum 41 告别巡演的中国乐迷一定会同意,最大声的音量、最张扬的表演,便是一支朋克乐队...
作为一支成立于千禧年初的乐队,Sum 41的历史与Green Day、Blink 182这些乐队相比并不算长,但他们在这24年的时间里同样创造了一个奇迹。作为一代人共同的青春回忆,Sum 41的解散标志着一个时代的落幕和一代人青春岁月的逝去。
Heaven :x: Hell 表演者:Sum 41 流派:摇滚 专辑类型:专辑 介质:CD 发行时间:2024-03-29 出版者:Rise Records 唱片数:1 条形码:4099964012637 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 想听在听听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 推荐 简介· ··· The Canadian icons leave nothing in the tank on their final LP, ...
快评:来自加拿大的经典流行朋克乐队Sum 41在解散前为乐迷们献上了最后一张专辑,为他们二十余年的职业生涯划上了一个完整的句号。这是一张对他们过去的所有作品进行了高度浓缩、选择性融合了朋克与金属两种不同曲风的足够简单、粗暴的专辑,一方面为老乐迷们带来了一场酣畅淋漓的畅爽体验,一方面也向乐迷们做出了最后的...
Would ‘Heaven :x: Hell’been better as a single album? Definitely. But overall, this is a worthy send-off from Sum 41. See you at the reunion in a couple of years! Heaven :x: Hell track list: Waiting On A Twist Of Fate Landmines I Can’t Wait Time Won’t Wait Future Primitive...
For the final time as a collective, Grammy-nominated band Sum 41 have announced their upcoming double album, Heaven :x: Hell, expected for release on March 29th, 2024 via Rise Records (pre-order). Heaven :x: Hell is the most ambitious album from Sum 41 yet - Heaven is 10 tracks of ...
Kerrang! Mar 28, 2024 80 There will be doubters and there will be haters, but Heaven :x: Hell is Sum 41 at their zenith and is, without any shadow of a doubt, the album of their career. Read full review
Belphegor is a demon, and one of the seven princes of Hell, who helps people make discoveries. He seduces people through the suggestion of ingenious inventions that will make them rich. Satan: Wrath. Patience Satan is an Abrahamic entity that seduces humans into sin. In Christianity and Islam...
"Setting of the Sun"-"Tonight we dine in Hell"-Fall of Arlem. "Shadow and Fear"-"Minas Morgul"-Nightmare. "Siege of Gekahn"-"To Victory"-The fall of Pain. "Son of Kings"-"Glory"-Prince of the West. "Sulnara Hëlsyö"-"Hope Fails"-The Child's Hallow. "Tearing of the Hea...