1. NOW as to Hades, wherein the souls of the of the good things they see, and rejoice in the righteous and unrighteous are detained, it is necessary to speak of it. Hades is a place in the world not regularly finished; asubterraneousregion, wherein the light of this world does not...
According to legend, the first American Indian to see the Grand Canyon tied himself to a tree in terror. According to Scripture, any man privileged a peek at God has felt the same. Sheer terror. Remember the words of Isaiah after his vision of God? “Oh, no! I will be destroyed. I...
Sacred Scripture and the Mystical Doctors of the Church teach otherwise. They teach, each in his or her own way, that three conversions are necessary for union with the Holy Spirit. One of them, St. Catherine of Siena, shows how the Spiritual life of the Apostles reveals the content of t...
He was announcing the kingdom of heaven was “at hand.” And some day, according to Scripture, the Lord will return, and He will bring with Him a new heaven and a new earth, the restoration of all things.
To avoid misunderstanding, I need to emphasize a critical doctrinal point. According to Scripture, we donotreceive resurrection bodies immediately after death. Resurrection does not happen one at a time.Ifwe have intermediate forms in the intermediate Heaven, they will not be our true bodies, whic...
There is no place we can go to avoid Him or His watchfulness and observation. We cannot escape His judgement. WE will be judged, onboththe good and bad that we do. YHVH God has established His commandments, and made them known, so that we have guidelines as to how to think and behav...
This idea that heaven is everywhere and nowhere is not according to Scripture. Heaven is God's habitation, and when Christ came on earth He taught us to pray: "Our Father, which art in heaven." This habitation is spoken of as "the city of eternal life." Think of a city without a ...
Many contend that Greek philosophy and not Scripture was the main influence for the idea of an immortal soul in Christianity today. Notice this from the influential Greek philosopher Plato’s Phaedo: “Do we believe that there is such a thing as death? To be sure. … And is this anything...
But “heaven” or the “heavens” are spoken of throughout Scripture, primarily as God's dwelling place: a parallel but superior realm where everything operates according to God's will. Jesus taught us to pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come...
Thus the term heaven has come to designate both the happiness and the abode of the just in the next life. The present article treats of heaven in this sense only. In Holy Scripture it is called the kingdom of heaven (Matt., v, 3), the kingdom of God (Mark, ix, 46), the king...