Today's Daily Price 100 Gallon Price $3.30Cash/Check** $3.35Credit Card ANY delivery under a 100 gallons is a $1.00 more per gallon. Office Hours Mon~Fri: 8am-4pm Saturday: 8am-12pm Sundays: Closed Order Online 24Hrs A Day/7 Days A Week ...
Average Maine Heating Oil Price Hits 10-Year Low at $1.99 per GallonPORTLAND, Maine -- The statewide average price of No. 2 heatingoil dipped just below the $2 per...Fishell, Darren
the heat output was about 75,000 BTU (the real units here are the archaic “British Thermal Units Per Hour”, but all you really need to know is that this is still more than
Heating oil average price drops a penny a gallonFrom staff reports
Heating oil price hits $2.75 a gallon - Analysts say record rise in state mirrors jump in cost of crudeBruce Mohl
Edward D Murphy
Gil Smart
Heating oil price over $1 a gallon.Aceti, Sharon
A chilling trend for Mainers ; As the price of heating oil hits $2.78 a gallon and keeps rising, state officials and stores fear the economic impact.TUX TURKEL Staff Writer