The production of heat is a resistor due to the electric current flowing through it when it is when it is connected in an electrical circuit, is called the heating effect of electric current. When a potential difference is applied across a metallic c
Heating Effects OF Electric Current || Power || Electric Monthly Bill View Solution Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current View Solution Electric bell works on 'heating effects of electric current'. View Solution Electric bell works on 'heating effects of electric current'. View Solution Describe with...
Explain the heating effect of electric current. Current: The electric current is defined as the charge flowing in a conductor per unit of time. The current is measured in the units of Amperes. One Ampere is equal to one Coulomb per second ...
The effect of electric current (EC) heating on the high temperature mechanical behavior and microstructure of plain carbon and austenitic stainless steels was examined using a Gleeble thermomechanical simulator. In stainless steel, EC heating is shown to reduce the flow stress, strain hardening rate,...
Journal of Food Process EngineeringSun H, Masuda F, Kawamura S, Himoto J, Asano K, et al. (2011) Effect of electric current of ohmic heating on non-thermal injury to Streptococcus thermophilus in milk. J Food Process Eng 34: 878-892....
Electric current pulse (ECP)Heating effectCooling conditionStructure refinementSummary This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Experimental Details Results and Discussions Conclusions Acknowledgementdoi:10.1002/9781118062173.ch26Zhenxing Yia Bo Li...
Based on the existing work in this field, there is a lack of knowledge about the effect of DHN variations on indoor comfort conditions. Moreover, the indoor temperature is also a function of thermostatic valves selected by users. There are various types of users and some of them create warm...
The fundamental knowledge of the combined method of electrical heating and depressurization for the development of natural gas hydrate resources has not yet been well revealed, such as the effect of reservoir physical property, hydrate saturation, and fluids component on the gas recovery. Additionally,...
Electric current View Solution (a) State joule's Law of heating. (b) Name two devies where heating effect of current is utilised. (c) What is the name given to the commercial unit of electircal energy ? Express this unit in joules. View Solution (A) : Working of a moving coil ...
(b)), hot pressed samples at 160 °C had some cracks on the surface. It was confirmed that to be the effect of WPU which was used as a polymer. At 100 °C, the WPU had slightly melted and fluidity. However, at 120 °C and above, it is confirmed that the void area was...