I just actually called a company here in Adelaide to find out how much it would cost to get the air ducts cleaned in the house we are buying. To say I was shocked at the cost would be an under statement! To clean the ducts, vents and return would cost $1087! No wonder the air d...
School of Mathematical Sciences University of AdelaideT.P. Bednarz, C. Lei, J.C. Patterson, Unsteady natural convection in a reservoir model subject to periodic heating and cooling at the water surface, in: XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, 2008....
consumptionforlightingandsaved EUR 250,000 a year.36 UNON is building a new office facility in 2009/2010 that features a significant number of environmental aspects including: (a) absenceofmechanical heatingandcooling as maximum natural ventilation and naturallightwillbe used; ...
The proposed system consists of a solar combisystem with the addition of a solar liquid desiccant sub-system to provide cooling and dehumidification. A two storey energy efficient house exposed to the weather data of Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney is modelled to calculate the hot water, space ...
Univ AdelaideBuilding and EnvironmentSoebarto, V.; Bennetts, H.; Hansen, A.; Zuo, J.; Williamson, T.; Pisaniello, D.; van Hoof, J.; Visvanathan, R. Living environment, heating-cooling behaviours and well-being: Survey of older South Australians. Build. Environ. 2019, in press....
Nespoli, AdelaideBiffi, Carlo AlbertoVilla, ElenaTuissi, AusonioJournal of Alloys and Compounds: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Materials Science and Solid-state Chemistry and PhysicsNespoli, A., Biffi, C.A., Villa, E., Tuissi, A., 2017. Effect of heating/cooling rate on martensitic ...
Adelaide NespoliCarlo Alberto BiffiElena VillaAusonio TuissiJournal of Alloys and CompoundsNespoli, A., Biffi, C.A., Villa, E., Tuissi, A., 2017. Effect of heating/cooling rate on martensitic transformation of NiMnGa-Co high temperature ferromagnetic shape memory alloys. J. Alloy. Compd. 690...