The main character, 13-year-old Kusiima (which means “thankul” in the Luwendigo dialect), lives with his grandmother and toddler sister, Ngonzi (meaning “love”). Although he longs to go to school, Kusiima must work selling charcoal to help earn a meager living, especially since his...
When I found the research that identified a fourth trauma response (tend-and-befriend), I finally felt seen and could finally begin to name my reactivity as trauma-related and not just something that made me weak. (I could also learn to soothe myself, and to experience my heightened reacti...
The next piece that caught my attention was one that I’d seen before – 490 crocheted teardrops created by Odia. 70×7 – the number of times the Bible instructs us to forgive those who’ve wronged us. With each teardrop crocheted, I imagine Odia trying to find a drop of forgiveness ...
Name the monk who sold indulgences in Germany. How did Luther decide that people get to heaven? What different belief did Catholics have about how you get to heaven? Luther said that many beliefs of the Catholic Church werewrong because they weren’t in the bible.Give 5 examples of Catholic...
and her heart behind it all is to connect with women and empower them through beautiful jewelry that reminds them of a loved one, Bible verse, or mantra. She has graciously given a Black Friday code, so today ONLY you can shop for 20% off – just use the code “BLACKFRIYAY” at ch...
For some people, calling their faith mythology is insulting and threatening. But what if mythologizing our faith brings us more meaning and depth than literalizing it? In this episode, former assistant to the regional manager, actor and author, Rainn Wil