Plantsトピックのheather ロングマン現代英英辞典よりheath‧er/ˈheðə$-ər/noun[uncountable]alowplantwith smallpurple,pink, or whiteflowerswhich grows onhillsコーパスの例heather•I wasn't myself in theheatherthat night.•Billy's shortlegskept gettingtangledin theheather, so heboun...
The invertebrates fall into two groups: species which feed on heathland plants–about 40 in the case of Calluna–and a second group which depends on the particular physical conditions provided by heathland, such as hot dry sandy areas or the micro-topography of Sphagnum bogs. The ecology of ...
through theheatherandrockoutcrops.•Theheather, purple now, they went into ecstasies over.•Adark,intense, semi-smilingstare, as if thesprigof whiteheatherwas notcharitybutcompulsory.Originheather(1700-1800)Northern and Scottish Englishhaddir,hathir((14-18 centuries)); influenced by heath ...
(Plants) an ericaceous shrub, Erica cinerea. See heath2 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1...
Word family adjectiveheatherynounheather Related topics:Nature,Plants heath·er/ˈheðə$-ər/noun[uncountableU] DNHBPa low plant with small purple, pink, or white flowers which grows on hills欧石楠 Examples from the Corpus heather•I wasn't myself in theheatherthat night.•Billy...
the pollen is simply caught in a drop of fluidsecretedby theovule. Inflowering plants, however, the ovules are contained within a hollow organ called thepistil, and the pollen is deposited on the pistil’s receptive surface, thestigma. There the pollen germinates and gives rise to apollen ...
We specialize in the new, the rare and the unusual in heaths and heathers. We have more varieties available than anyone in the United States and one of the largest collections in the world. Our display garden has over 2,000 plants in the ground. ...
Although we did not investigate the age-structure of the harvested plants in our study sites, age may contribute to the recovery of heather flowering and probably caused between-site differences in the time scale of recovery in our study. For example, in regard to shoot growth and production,...
The heather flower’s meaning comes from its genus name, Calluna, which stems from the Greek word kalluno, and means to cleanse or adorn. This is appropriate, as heather plants were once used for making brooms. Heather flowers commonly grow in northern and western Europe, Turkey, and Morocco...
Monitoring can not only be performed visually by humans but also through the use of sensors, which enable efficient phenotyping of plants and support the detection and investigation of disease patterns (Mahlein et al., 2019). Hyperspectral imaging with optical sensors is a proven tool to detect ...