There are two things we are trying to prevent by protecting the surface during heat treating: scale and decarburization. I frequently see knifemakers confusing these two things. Scale is not decarburization, and removing scale does not mean that the layer of decarburization is removed. Scale is t... features over 200 different high quality tools for knife making. Whether you’re repairing a favorite pocket knife, building your own knife kit or making custom knives from scratch, our knife maker tools section has many of the knife making
So far I have seen a lot of conflicting info or questions about welding it, but no real info on heat treating it. One suggestion that would make sense was to use a low heat TIG with pure Argon. The problem is I don't have a TIG set up. I also have the problem that it has ...
I need to make a tooling Die for my Hammer. Would you suggest 4140 for this? Then if possible could you explain the difference between tempering and heat treating, and which of these would be used for the dies of a power hammer?
knife design and construction. From specialized knife making taps and drills to knife file guides, knife vises, Torx® drivers, blade serration wheels, heat treating equipment, knife lubricants and other specialized knife making tools, such as automatic knife conversion tools, has ...