The constant of proportionality h is termed the convection heat-transfer coefficient. Other terms describing h include film coefficient and film conductance. Variables needed to parameterize free convection are: Definition of Symbols Independent Parameters for the Fluid Quantity Symbol Units bulk temper...
Radiative heat transfer rate between two gray bodies can be calculated by the equation stated below.The two separate terms fa and fe can be combined and given the symbol f. The heat flow between two gray bodies can now be determined by the following equation:...
The ratio of the mean molecular free path to a characteristic length (e.g. the mean pore radius in a porous material) is referred to as the Knudsen number which uses the symbol Kn. Note that in very permeable materials when Kn > > 1 it may be necessary to use the Monte Carlo method...
The symbol U (or Uw) is used for the value referring to the whole window, UC the value at the center of glass, and UF (or Ufr) the value for the frame. In some cases we may encounter the term R-value, which is the inverse of the U-value. The R-value is usually cited when ...
qrad″=εσ(Ts4−Tsur4) In the formula above, ε represents the surface's emissivity, which is a coefficient valuing between 0 and 1, symbolizing how similar the surface is to the black body. 编辑于 2024-09-21 18:26・IP 属地北京 ...
The constant of proportionality h is termed the convection heat-transfer coefficient. Other terms describing h include film coefficient and film conductance. Definition of Symbols Independent Parameters for the Fluid Quantity Symbol Units free-stream temperature K free-stream velocity m/s kinematic vis...
(General Physics) the heat required to raise the temperature of a substance by unit temperature interval under specified conditions, usually measured in joules per kelvin. Symbol: Cp(for constant pressure) or Cv(for constant volume) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition...
Heatsinks are usually constructed from copper or aluminum. Copper has a very highthermal conductivity, which means the rate of heat transfer through copper heatsinks is also very high. Whilst lower than that of copper, aluminum’s thermal conductivity is still high and it has the added benefit...
temperature Gas sound speed Gas polytropic coefficient Gas Prandtl number Gas thermal conductivity Gas specific heat Gas kinematic viscosity HX heat load HX length HX thermal conductivity HX specific heat HX material density Operating frequency Gas thermal penetration depth Symbol pm Tm a γσ k cp ...
Using the assembly procedure (•)=Ae=1Ne(∘)(e), where the symbol A represents the assembly operator over all finite elements. The global semi-discrete finite element equation reads (20)[Muu000]{U¨Θ¨}+[00CθuCθθ]{U˙Θ˙}+[KuuKuθ0Kθθ]{UΘ}={FuFθ}where Muu, Kuu, ...