Learn what heat transfer through conduction means. Learn the definition of heat transfer rate and the equation. Discover the units for heat...
1) equivalent equation of heat conduction 等效热传导方程1. In the equivalent equation of heat conduction established in Ref. 水管冷却是大体积混凝土温度控制的重要措施,由于水管附近温度梯度很大,直接用有限元法计算水管冷却效果,必须采用密集网格,有较大困难,目前广泛采用笔者在文献[3]中提出的等效热传导方程...
1-4 Fourier’s Law and the Heat Equation in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinate Systems, 14 1-5 General Boundary Conditions and Initial Condition for the Heat Equation, 16 1-6 Nondimensional Analysis of the Heat Conduction Equation, 25 1-7 Heat Conduction Equation for Anisotropic Medium, 27 ...
About this entry Cite this entry (2014). Equation of Heat Conduction. In: Hetnarski, R.B. (eds) Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-2739-7_100198 Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-2739-7_100...
This chapter presents the equation of nonstationary heat transfer in a rod. Because of the original variable temperature distribution in the rod, heat flows from the hot regions of the rod into the cold, causing the temperature distribution to change not only along x but also with the time t...
Chapter8ConductionofHeatinSolids 实用文档 1 8.1傅立叶导热定律及导热系数 Fourier’sLawandThermalConductivityofMaterials 一、傅立叶导热定律(Fourier’sLaw)傅立叶导热定律是描述以导热方式传热热流密度的基本表达式。傅立叶导热定律是个实验定律,即根据实验规律总结出的一种定律。在导热传热中,将y方向上的导热热流密度...
A solution of the convection-conduction heat-transfer equation in porous media by the von Rosenberg finite-difference scheme von Rosenberg developed an explicit finite-difference scheme for solution of the linear convection-conduction partial differential equation in one space dimension. The method is sta...
The general steady one-dimensional conduction heat transfer equation with no generation is written as (5.9)1RNddR(RNkdTdR)=0 The general unsteady one-dimensional conduction heat transfer equation with source term is written as (5.10)1RNddR(RNkdTdR)+q‴=ρCp∂T∂t where R and N in bo...
THE ANALYSIS OF THE CONVECTIVE-CONDUCTIVE HEAT TRANSFER IN THE BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONS The numerical model for the analysis of the combined convective-conductive heat transfer in the building components has been developed. Presented model is based on the partial differential equation for the twodimensional...
1、Convection As mentioned earlier, there are three mechanisms of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction and convection are similar in that both mechanisms require material medium, but the difference is that convection requires the presence of fluid motion. And heat transfer ...