We screened the research articles to identify studies related to UHI. A variety of search phrases, including “impact of urbanisation,”“effect of urban heat island,”“effect of UHI and heatwave in India,”“relationship between UHI and heatwave,” and “UHI review in India,” were used to...
To overcome the data shortage, researchers have used data from ambulance call-outs (Guo 2017) or occupational accidents (Varghese et al. 2019) in order to assess the relation between heat-related illnesses and ambient temperatures, but this has also required that heat-related illness be ...
The city-specific heat action plans are operational in Europe, the USA, India and many other countries (e.g., Matthies et al., 2008). Unhoused residents in Santa Clara County, California (USA) are at risk of heat-related illness. Gabbe et al. (2023) indicated that a strategy to ...
Moreover, a primary level of medical data has been used to understand the spatial and health dynamics based on the LST. A total of 78 samples have been taken during the random sample survey to support the hypothesis. Moreover, cases with heat-related illness in most of the hotspots were ...
With high emissions, these impacts will continue to intensify over time, extending to almost all countries by the end of the 21st century: >95% of countries will face exposure to health-related heat stress, with India and Brazil ranked highest for integrated heat-stress exposure. The magnitude...
Of note is outdoor workers required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) who are at an elevated risk of suffering heat-related illness. Under specific conditions, heat strain can even occur in temperatures as low as − 20 °C (if the workload is moderate to high and the ...
Work-related injury and illness in Australia, 2004 to 2014. What is the incidence of work-related conditions and their impact on time lost from work by state and territory, age, gender and injury type? Melbourne (AU): Monash University, ISCRR: Monash University; 2016. Download references ...
Older adults are highly vulnerable to the detriment of extreme weather. The rapid non-linear increase in heat-related morbidity is difficult to quantify, hindering the attribution of direct effects of exposure on severe health outcomes. We examine the ef
effects extreme heat, humidity, Wet-bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT), apparent temperature, wind, Heat Index, Humidex, Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI), heat- wave, high temperature and hot climate on human health, human comfort, heat stress, heat rashes, and heat-related morbidity and ...
In December 2022, we asked the workers (n=10) questions related to access to sanitation facilities and hydration during work (Table 3). While all of them responded that they had access to both water and sanitation, nine of the workers (90%) said that they would drink more if they had ...