Heatmap of genes from metabolic pathways and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites.Fangqun OuYangJianFeng MaoJunhui WangShougong ZhangYue Li
Heatmap of genes and rankingsMartin Slawski AnneLaure Boulesteix
b Expression level heatmap of genes that were down-regulated in two independent hsfa1a lines after 1 h of heat stress compared to the WT. c Gene ontology enrichment of down-regulated genes (n = 280). P-values calculated using Fisher’s exact test. d Pie chart representing the ...
Supplemental Figure 3G: Heatmap of the top 30 genes positively or negatively correlated with principal component 1 which were defined as the “alveolar/club-like” and “undifferentiated” gene signature, respectively, shown for the top 500 cells with the highest or lowest PCA scores, respectively....
d Heatmap of top 10 averagely highly expressed genes in TCGA-LUAD samples out of the 46 genes showed in Venn diagram.Red indicates overexpression and blue underexpression. The columns correspond to the LUAD samples. The real status of the samples is given in a color scale: blue for never...
Pathway heat-map of CNV genes above the overall miRNA mean average in human (hsa), chimpanzee (chimp), macaque (mml), mouse (mmu), rat (rno), cow (bta), dog (cfa) and chicken (gga).Harsh, DweepGeorge, D. Georg...
http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/moac/people/students/peter_cock/r/heatmap Using R to draw a Heatmap from Microarray Data Thefirst section of this page uses Rto analyse an Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) microarray dataset, producing a heatmap (with dendrograms) of genes differentially ...
Display a heatmap of the gene expression values for 4918 genes from 78 samples. Get hmo = HeatMap(bcTrainData.Log10Ratio); Standardize: '[column | row | {none}]' Symmetric: '[true | false].' DisplayRange: 'Scalar.' Colormap: [] ImputeFun: 'string -or- function handle -or- cel...
This heatmap is based on hierarchical clustering (P >0.001) of genes involved in JA biosynthesis and regulation. All gene expression levels were transformed to scores ranging from −4 to 4 and were colored blue, white, or red to represent low, moderate, or high expression levels, respecti...
(genes)show_row_dend=FALSE,# Do not display the dendrogram for rowscluster_columns=TRUE,# Perform hierarchical clustering on the columns (samples)cluster_column_slices=FALSE,# Do not perform clustering on column slices after splittingshow_column_dend=FALSE,# Do not display the dendrogram for ...