In the Philippines, where a two-week heatwave in April forced schools to shut, seven heat-related deaths and 77 heat-related illnesses were reported from January to May this year, according to health ministry data. Image:ILO Asia-Pacific,CC BY-SA 3.0, viaFlickr. Food delivery drive...
philippines-power-market|germany-power-epc-market|industrial-air-quality-control-systems-market|united-states-battery-cell-market|asia-pacific-renewable-energy-market|europe-lead-acid-battery-market|united-states-large-power-transformer-market|asia-pacific-seismic-service-market|north-america-perforating-gun... Must-Reads from Around the World Let’s go even further that the Philippines joined the Open Government Partnership in 2011. It seems that government and politician...
His thinking has also been influenced by a refinement of the temperature research that has been conducted at the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines. Scientists there have found that the fertilization of rice seeds falls from 100 per cent at 34 degrees to near zero at 40 deg...