Infinite time blow-up for the three dimensional energy critical heat equation in bounded domains doi:10.1007/s00208-024-02885-xWe consider the Dirichlet problem for the energy-critical heat equationut=Δu+u5inΩ×R+,u=0onΩ×R+,u(x,0)=u0(x)inΩ,\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\use...
The specific heat of a two-dimensional inhomogeneous electron gas has been calculated using Bardeen's formula in the exchange approximation. High- and low-temperature limits are obtained. The specific heat vanishes inversely with temperature in the high-temperature limit and the expected T in T beha...
The energy balance of the leaf varies as a function of crown position in the tree canopy. The Qevap heat flux becomes increasingly important with the leaves in the upper crown, and the magnitude of the radiation loss (negative part of the QIR term) decreases with height of the leaf in th...
In terms of the theory of a transient energy balance on the finite controlled volume, in this paper, a transient three-dimensional heat transfer model for the simulation of a single vertical U-tube ground heat exchanger based on finite-difference methods is systematically proposed. The model is ...
Heatlines are adequate tools for visualizing and analyzing two-dimensional convection heat transfer; in this case the heat flux line concept is extended to include advection terms. Heat function (H) is defined in terms of the energy equation as (3.78)∂H∂Y=UΘ−∂Θ∂X,−∂H...
In the context of the problem of heat conduction in one-dimensional systems,\nwe present an analytical calculation of the instantaneous energy transfer\nacross a tagged particle in a one-dimensional gas of equal-mass, hard-point\nparticles. From this, we obtain a formula for the steady-state...
transfer coefficients for various flows to make Newton’s cooling law a complete scientific law. For this purpose, a three-dimensional (3D) energy transfer theory of thermal convection is developed, and the convective heat flux vector, entropy flux vector and entropy generation rate inside the ...
Roberto Livi Sezione di Firenze, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy Roberto Livi Cite this article Lippi, A., Livi, R. Heat Conduction in Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Lattices.Journal of Statistical Physics100, 1147–1172 (2000). ...
point energy slowing-down method PWR pressurized water reactor RK RAST-K v2.0 SFP spent fuel pools SNF spent nuclear fuel ST STREAM TFU fuel temperature TH1D one-dimensional thermal-hydraulic feedback TMO moderator temperature UNM unified nodal method W/O weight percent XS cross-section Appendix....
Most of the empirical or semi-empirical correlations are developed considering the parameters such as heat flux, pressure, geometrical dimensions, thermo-physical properties and surface-liquid combination factor in terms of dimensional or dimensionless numbers. Though these correlations predict own ...