It also enlightens means to reduce GHG emissions such as using solid organic N fertilizers, tightening the N cycle, minimizing fallow and bare soil emissions, and using slow-release N fertilizers for nitrous oxide; sequestering carbon, reducing soil disturbance, practicing organic farming, and ...
In most mammalian species including cattle, heat stress has deleterious effects on nutritional, physiological and reproductive functions. Exposure of animals to a hot environment causes an increase in body temperature in mammals, including domestic animals. High ambient temperature also causes a decrease ...
When chickens are exposed to high ambient temperatures, several physiological processes are modified in their bodies; including immune function2, metabolism3, blood flow2, cellular processes, oxidative metabolism4,5, cell cycle6, membrane structure and function7, transcription8, translation9, post-...
Production animals, such as sheep, which are exposed to high ambient temperatures (> 30 °C) experience heat stress which consequently affects their overall productivity and reproductive performance [9]. Heat stress arises when the effective temperature of the environment exceeds the animals’ upper...
If you think this is not a normal heat cycle then a vet visit would be the best idea. Hope all is well! Dr. Marie.---This question was asked in our Ask A Vet For Free section.---Do you have a pet website? Interested in learning more about SEO for Wix? Check out our dog age...
aSouza CJH,Campbell BK,Baird DT. Follicle dynamics and ovarian steroid secretion in sheep during the follicle and early luteal phase of the oestrous cycle [J]. Biology of Reproduction, 1997, 56:483-488. Souza CJH,坎伯BK, Baird DT。 滤泡动力学和卵巢类固醇分泌物在绵羊在oestrous周期期间J的滤泡...
So, it does sound like a good idea to let her go through a heat cycle and see what happens. Now, another thing to think about is whether or not she should be bred. While an inverted vulva is not known to be a "genetic trait", any type of physical abnormality can be passed on ...
(5 weeks of age) were housed individually in transparent plastic cages (width, 270 mm; length, 440 mm; height, 187 mm) with wood chippings, and were initially maintained at a Ta of 24.0 6 0.1uC with 54 6 5% relative humidity under a 12512-h light–dark cycle (lights on at 1600 ...
Vegetation disturbance from extreme heat generally reduces net ecosystem productivity and may amplify positive climate-carbon cycle feedbacks [159, 163, 170–174], especially in coincidence with drought [173]. Central uncertainties sorrounding future extreme heat impacts on ecosystems persist concerning ...
The 12 h light (0600 to 1800 h) and dark cycle was controlled manually (Supplementary Figure 1). During the baseline and recovery periods the cows experienced ambient conditions where temperature ranged from 3 to 23.4 °C (mean 10.4 °C) and relative humidity ranged from 43.7 to ...