►NURBS3DCurve ►NURBS3DSurface ►NURBS3DVolume ►NURBS3DVolumeCartesian ►NURBS3DVolumeCylindrical ►NURBSbasis ►nutkRoughWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField ►nutkWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField ►nutLowReWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField ►nutUBlendedWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField ►nutURoughWallFu...
In addition, the cooling profile includes the temperature profile of the glass as shown by curve 510', which profile starts after the heating stage has been completed at 508'. The cooling profile reflects the temperature of the respective portions of the bead and the glass with cooling being ...
, it was not possible to reach a maximum value of electrical conductivity within the applied pressure range as expected for the typical conductivity behavior of a packed powder through its percolation threshold and shift from insulator to electrical conductor material: the so-called S curve [20]....