Introduction to Green's FunctionsHeat Flux and TemperatureDifferential Energy EquationBoundary and Initial ConditionsIntegral Energy EquationDirac Delta FunctionSteady Heat Conduction in One DimensionGF in the Infinite One-Dimensional BodyTemperature in an Infinite One-Dimensional BodyTwo Interpretations of Green...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】Heat Conduction Using Green S Functions, 2nd Edition》,作者:Beck,出版社:Sheikh, A.。最新《【预订】Heat Conduction Using Green S Functions, 2nd Edition》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在,网购
H. Tan, Green's Function Approach for Heat Conduction: Appli- cation to Steel Members Protected by Intumescent Paint, Numer. Heat Transfer B, vol. 54, pp. 435-453, 2008.Z.H. Wang, K.H. Tan, Green's function approach for heat conduction: application to steel members protected by ...
Green’s functionA transient inverse heat conduction problem concerning jet impingement heat transfer has been solved analytically in this paper. Experimentally obtained transient temperature history at the non-impinging face, assumed to be the exposed surface in real practice, is the only input data....
A generic Monte Carlo ray-trace (MCRT) engine for computing radiation distribution factors (RDFs), working in tandem with an efficient finite volume formulation based on discrete Green's functions (DGFs), has been used to solve a massive (2636 nodes) coupled radiation/conduction problem. Distribu...
We present three time discretization schemes for the Green element solution of the linear conduction equation. Numerical results obtained from the three methods are assessed by their convergence and stability-related properties, namely, numerical amplitude and amplification factor through Fourier analysis. ...
The heat fluxes exchanged between the working fluid and the wall were estimated by the inverse heat conduction problem (IHCP) resolution approach, using filtered temperature distributions as input parameters. The aim of the present work is to develop and thoroughly validate a novel post-processing ...
Heat source layout optimization for two-dimensional heat conduction using iterative reweighted L1-norm convex minimization. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 2018, 122, 432–441. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Wang, R.; Xie, Z.H.; Yin, Y.; Chen, L.G. Constructal design of ...
Effect sizes or studies with a Cook’s distance ≥1 were removed and meta-analyses were re-run. LH and YM assessed risk of bias using Risk of Bias 2 (RoB2)20 and the quality of evidence using GRADE.14,21 Risk of bias figures were created using the Robvis.22 Role of the funding ...
3.2.2. Conduction and convection The previous section was showing results for thermal conduction only. In this section, to get results closer to the real conditions in a catalytic reactor, we investigate the fluid flow through the structure and the resulting convective heat transport. Using CFD si...