Chap.5Energy和Heat.ppt,Ecology 2000 Chap.5 Energy 和 Heat 鄭先祐 製作 Ecology 2000 5.1 大部份能量轉換是基於碳和氧的化學。 5.2 光能是生命生活過程的最終動力來源。 5.3 光於水中的遞減限制水域的光合作用。 5.4 C4 和CAM光合作用增進水的使用效率。 5.5 生活過程僅
HEAT ENERGY HEAT ENERGY What is HEAT? • Form of energy and measured in JOULES • Particles move about more and take up more room if heated – this is why things expand if heated • It is also why substances change from: solids liquids gases when heated Visit .worldofteaching for ...
Heat and Energy - California State University, …:热量和能量-加利福尼亚州立大学,… 文档格式: .ppt 文档大小: 3.91M 文档页数: 11页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 论文--管理论文 文档标签: HeatandEnergy-CaliforniaStateUniversity ...
energypptheatinternalworkenergyvibrational HEAT, WORK AND HEAT, WORK AND INTERNAL ENERGY INTERNAL ENERGY GLOBAL WARMING? GLOBAL WARMING? THERMODYNAMICS THERMODYNAMICS: : the science of energy, the science of energy, specifically heat and work, and how the transfer of specifically heat and work, and ...
THERMAL ENERGY IS the TOTAL energy of ALL the particles. If 2 samples of matter are at the same temperature they do not necessarily have the same total energy. Diffusion DEMO Get 2 beakers of water, one room temp, one cold and one hot. Put a drop of food dye in each, right in the...
1.3ChangeofState 1.3.1ChangeofState 1.3.2LatentHeatandSpecificLatentHeat 1.3.3Evaporation PriorKnowledgeLinkage Transferprocesses Heatflow InternalkineticenergyInternalpotentialenergy TemperatureStateofmatters MolecularmotionMolecularseparation Internalenergy SolidificationVaporization 1.3.1ChangeofState Changeofstate ...
Heat and Energy Chapter 3 section 2 Heat and States of Matter THERMAL Energy Chapter 5. Thermal Energy and Heat. Temperature The measure of how HOT or COLD and object is. Review for Test Friday. Thermal Energy Chapter 16. Temperature – related to the average kinetic energy of an object’...
Delmarva Power utilities.Mr.Huggins has more than 25 years of experience in energy efficiency project development and implementation,and has previously developed Microgrid and CHP projects that have included steam,hot water,and direct heat recovery,utilizing biomass,biogas,and natural gas fuel sources....
work(heatandworkspeaktotransferofenergy)1 UnitsofHeat •Thehistoricalunitofheatwasthecalorie –Acalorieistheamountofenergynecessarytoraisethetemperatureof1gofwaterfrom14.5°Cto15.5°C –ACalorie(foodcalorie,withacapitalC)is1000cal •Sinceheat(likework)isameasureofenergytransfer,itsSIunitisthejoule ...
1.能量的七種2.Heatenergy熱能3.Lightenergy光能4.Soundenergy聲能5.electricalenergy電能6.kineticenergy動能7.potentialenergy勢能8.gravitationalpotentialenergy引力勢能•9.化學能chemicalenergy •10.能量的轉換器•11.常用的燃料•12.多種能源發電 能量的七種 ••••••1.熱能heatenergy2.光能...