The results of temperature, pressure, and velocity distribution along the heat sink, when five fins were added, are shown in Figures 7–9. It can be seen that the maximum temperature is observed in the lower part of the heat sink, which reached 89.626°C, and we note the highest speed ...
In Table1the parameters predicted in Ref.1are replaced by measured values, while parameters that are not directly measured are marked in italic. We added the columns for the specific heat,\(C_0\), at the characteristic temperature\(T_0\)and the scaled coefficient\({\tilde{d}}_1\)of th...
Two combined hydraulic and multitracer experiments were conducted at the downgradient end of the Freiheit karst system during a hydrograph recession—see Luhmann et al. (2012,2015); Table1; Fig.2. Water with known elevated temperature and solute concentration (including salt, uranine, and deuterat...
Samples were taken from each reaction every 30 minute for a total of 240 min, added to ONPG, and incubated at 37uC for 15 min. These enzymatic reactions were stopped by the addition of 0.5 M sodium carbonate. The absorbance was read at 450 nM and the percent activity of the b-galac-...
I have run my computer with no fans on the case. Then added6 × 120mm fansone by one and monitored the temperature to see where the sweet spot lies for how many fans you should add into your case. Here are the max & average CPU temperatures for different quantities of fans: ...
To these can probably be added the difficulties of identifying suitable ownership, economic and distribution models: will an operator simply distribute mine water (or a fluid thermally coupled to the mine water) to individual consumers, each with their own heat pump? Or will an operator own a ...
Ampicillin (50 μg/ml), chloramphenicol (20 μg/ml), and kanamycin (20 μg/ml) were added to the medium. Databases, multiple sequence alignment, and modeling of protein structure Protein sequences were obtained from GenBank or the Protein Data Bank (PDB) by an Entrez cross-database ...
Regarding nutrients, different patterns emerged depending on the nutrient identity. Phosphates release was higher for the samples subjected to a temperature increase, independently of their duration (significant differences between control vs the temperatures treatments, p-perm < 0.03 Table2S, Fig.3...
(8 mm pore size; Greiner) were coated with 100 ml fibronectin (5 mg mlÀ1; Sigma/Aldrich, Seelze, Germany) for 1 h at room temperature, placed in the 24-well plate containing the migration targets and immature DCs in CellGroDC medium (50 000 DCs/200 ml per well) were added into ...
Five volumes of room temperature extraction buffer supplemented with 1% MSH were added to 1 g of powder followed by immediate agitation. Cell debris was removed by centrifugation, after chloroform washing, one volume of isopropanol was added to precipitate RNA. Samples are kept at – 20°C for ...