4991 1 01:18 App Hearts of Iron IV tno模組 核戰爭後的世界 734 0 03:24 App Hearts of Iron IV kx mod :美利堅超人光速到達柏林 6211 0 00:40 App 【tfr】欧战后的抽象法国 3.0万 47 12:35 App 【钢铁雄心4】神秘地区跑马印度?打过恒河去,解放全印度! 9720 10 03:07 App 【TNO后阿巴顿时...
125 0 20:21 App 钢铁雄心 Hearts of Iron IV_2024.07.21-002(帝国雄心MOD) 93 0 14:59 App 钢铁雄心 Hearts of Iron IV_2024.07.21-004(帝国雄心MOD) 169 0 22:42 App 钢铁雄心 Hearts of Iron IV_2024.07.24-23.23(RSDSJ) 123 0 45:39 App 钢铁雄心 Hearts of Iron IV_2024.07.21-003(帝国雄...
I'd like you to understand that «Road to 56» is a massive overhaul mod to Hearts of Iron 4. While patch 1.11, alongside the DLC brings massive changes to the game, both in research and focuses, both of which will have to be checked, balanced and adjusted to make Road to...
3DM Mod站提供《删除(Hearts of Iron IV)》相关的Mod下载、功能性、属性、汉化、开局 等相关模组资源 更新时间:2023-05-17 01:57:41 删除Mods 《删除》steam正版植物大战僵尸的修改器(Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition) 2023-05-17 01:57:41 其他Mod ...
[Hearts of Iron IV]Kaiserredux:Legacy of the Revolution 更新进度报告(2024.1.28) 1.在俄罗斯远东共和国增加了托洛茨基线。新版本中,玩家可在人民革命军政变后的一个关于托洛茨基事件中选择托洛茨基上台,托洛茨基将离开上海公社,成为远东革命政权的领导者;反之,托洛茨基将留在上海公社作为顾问和将领以及未来可选的领导...
1——性价比巨高,购买所有dlc,已经全部入库,商城清空 2——钢铁雄心4steam国区正版,登录即玩,玩法多样,激战忘我 3——播放集已添加可选择的mod(不会的看发的图片上说明)登录即玩目前添加了3款游戏,1是56之路,2和3是东扩,4和5是新纪元(记得玩哪个开哪个,别一起
《钢铁雄心4-HeartsofIronIV》国区顶级正版⭐商城清空 ️全dlc含南美⭐新纪元mod 钢铁雄心4 / Steam / Steam502 出租次数 1560 累计时间 排位赛: 无 可租时段: 0:00-24:00 租号限制: 1小时起租最多200小时 上号器上号 ¥1.80 最低1小时 时租 ¥24.36 ¥ 43.2 日租(24小时) ¥8.70...
Most users ever online was 64 on Mon Aug 07, 2017 5:02 amRegistered Users: NoneNo users have a birthday todayNo users are having a birthday in the upcoming 7 daysLegend : [ Administrators ][ AHOI-Mod Team ][ WW1 Mod Team ][ Patreon ]...
Hearts of Iron: A Cold Steel World is an alternate history overhaul mod for base game surrounding itself around the Kornilov Affair that took place in... Eternalmod Feb 1 2018 TBD Grand Strategy The Eternal Mod, I had this idea a long time ago, but now I'm realizing it. So the bas...
World Ablaze(燃烧的世界)是钢铁雄心4的一个很优秀的MOD,重做了主要国家的陆海空军科技树,添加了特色民族精神,优化了部分国策,以及增加了一些新的机制。作为该MOD汉化负责人,现将相关链接发布在此专栏。 1.创意工坊该汉化需要的订阅合集 https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1700483513 ...