Hearts in Atlantis豆瓣评分:8.8 简介:By "Atlantis", Kang means the 1960s, that otherworldly decade which, like the fabled continent, has sunk into myth. Here, in five interconnected narratives that span from 1960 to 1999, King draws a st
Well, I would say that the movie "Hearts in Atlantis" - based on one of the short stories from the book - gives the that impression. Like "Stand by Me" and "It", the movie portrays working-class children around 1960 whose only escape from the world's unpleasantness is each other. ...
Images from that war -- and the protests against it -- had flooded America's living rooms for a decade. Hearts in Atlantis, King's newest fiction, is composed of five interconnected, sequential narra... (展开全部) Hearts In Atlantis的创作者 ··· 斯蒂芬·金 作者 我来说两句 短评 ·...
繼《四季奇譚》、《戰慄遊戲》全譯本之後,遠流【精選史蒂芬.金】系列小說最新推出《勿忘我》(Hearts in Atlantis)!承襲了史蒂芬金自1998年《白骨袋》以來益發純熟的文學技巧,文學性豐富,跳脫驚悚概念,鋪陳出他自己最滿意的一種敘事氛圍,可說是史蒂芬金寫作生涯最好的嚴肅作品之一,充分顯露他對美國歷經越戰時期的悲憫...
Hearts In Atlantis (MTI)的短评(2)喜欢Hearts In Atlantis (MTI)的人也喜欢 The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon Cell Everything's Eventual Insomnia Carrie Rose Madder Different Seasons Bag of Bones It The Lord of the Rings and T...了解更多图书信息 返回图书首页 小说 历史 更多图书分类 ...
不是奇谭,也不战慄,但令你永生难忘!继《四季奇谭》、《战慄游戏》之后,最新推出史蒂芬·金的长篇小说《勿忘我》(Hearts in Atlantis)! 全书蕴含诗意且文学性颇丰,跳脱惊悚概念,可说是史蒂芬·金写作生涯最好的严肃作品之一,充分显露他对美国历经越战时期的悲悯之心与深刻记忆,完全呈现一个成熟小说家的文学风采!
Hearts in Atlantis亚特兰蒂斯之心 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 Hearts in Atlantis亚特兰蒂斯之心 电子书 图书目录 下载链接在页面底部 点击这里下载 facebook linkedin mastodon messenger pinterest reddit telegram twitter viber vkontakte whatsapp 复制链接 想要找书就要到 本本书屋 onlinetoolsland....
Review Hopkins off beat Hearts in Atlantis (12)John Marriott