The best Darkmoon Faire decks, meta snapshot, deck comparison, budget and quest decks. We've got it all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hearthstone_Rogue__Miracle__Kolento_Deck_Vs_Aggro_Rush_Decks 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2014-02-11 08:44:35上线。视频内容简介:稍后补充视频简介
This is a guide on how to play a custom rogue deck that I have created due to the high level of zoo decks in the meta of the first week of Naxxramas. This deck focuses on playing out minions that will gain and maintain board control and then helping you keep the advantage. Playstyle...
Icy Veins provides detailed guides, decks, and news for Hearthstone: standard decks, wild decks, budget decks, solo guides, arena guides, etc.
Rogue is still being played, and is almost entirely Miracle. Paladin is also pretty one-dimensional at the moment, with N’Zoth still seeing some play, but aggressive decks being almost entirely eliminated. Druid could potentially be the sleeper in the coming days. It is not seeing...
Decks Theorycrafting time is over - we’ve got a proper meta now! We’ll be updating ourdeck tier listas and when changes happen, so if you’re looking for a helping hand, head over there and pick up one of our deck guides!
’t Dark Souls. Well, Myracle is very much the Dark Souls of Rogue decks to me. This deck functions in a fun and interesting way, involves lots of meaningful, non-linear decisions, variety, and, conversely, contains very few of those “feels bad” moments, as compared with other decks....
while reducing some of the power from the elemental minion package a lot of Quest Rogue decks run. Minion placement becomes more of a concern and the strength would be focalised on just a couple of minions, rather than an entire board of Fire Flies or whatever junk the Rogue decides to ...
but i never had enough dust to do the Rogue and had no classess legendaries. So here is my main concern about the game- it's almost impossible to have fun for F2P account, because most likely you are gonna play 1, maybe 2 decks. So you can either try to do something fun and fai...
Our latest list of the best decks to play in the current meta. April 20, 2021James Law Guide Miracle Rogue deck list guide - Forged in the Barrens - Hearthstone (April 2021) How to play the new version of Miracle Rogue in the Forged in the Barrens meta. ...